
Creating clean energy

We work for the world

TransElectric Corporation is a green energy startup business with the goal of revolutionizing the energy industry by introducing a process to generate energy that is ecologically sustainable and uses a renewable resource.

The process is expected to have significant environmental and economic benefits and will create a strong competitive advantage for TransElectric Corporation.

The growing demand for renewable energy sources creates a significant opportunity for TransElectric Corporation, which aims to provide an innovative solution to the growing demand for renewable energy.

we do

Why choose us

The Hydro Electrolysis Fueled - Thermal Electricity Generator (HEF-TEG) process being developed by TransElectric is a unique and innovative way to generate electricity.

The 5-step process uses a renewable resource that is readily available and has no negative impact on the environment. It produces no pollution, with the only by products being water and heat, and has significant advantages over conventional ways of producing electricity, existing technologies, and is expected to revolutionize the energy industry.

The process is comprised of 5 sections:

Solar Array

Photovoltaic cells provide electricity for the electrolysis process.

Thermal Reaction Chamber

Gases are recombined via thermal reaction, producing heat and water.

Steam Turbine / Generator

The steam turbine generator receives the steam and spins from the pressure, producing electricity.

Fuel Production Pool

Electrolysis splits water into its component parts which provide fuel for thermal reaction.

Containment Vessel

The water in the vessel absorbs the heat and is turned into steam.

How it
can work

TransElectric Engine

The TransElectric Engine can be used in the civilian sector for applications in, but not limited to, automobiles, trucks, farm equipment, mass transit vehicles, and/or any machinery or vehicle in this sector presently utilizing internal combustion engines as its primary force for motorized propulsion.

It can also be used in the military sector for applications in, but not limited to, jeeps, trucks, personnel carriers, tanks, self-propelled guns, or any machinery or vehicle in this sector .

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You can become a contributor to our cause for a healthier planet.

we are

Our team has a diverse set of skills and expertise that will be critical for the success of our Phase I project. We share a passion for innovation and a commitment to sustainability, and we are excited to apply our expertise to the development of this groundbreaking technology.

We are confident that our combined expertise will enable us to develop a prototype that demonstrates the performance and efficiency of our technology in real-world conditions, setting the stage for future commercialization and widespread adoption.

“Working with Charles and their clean energy company has been an absolute game-changer. Their dedication to a sustainable future is truly inspiring.”

— Christian Rodriguez, Mechanical Engineering Program, Florida International University